Public safety police and crime updates

December 25, 2021

Black groups keep black candidate G. Juan Johnson from speaking. Elitism and racism rear its ugly head.

As told to the Los Angeles City government August 2019.

 Communications with city employees

Denial of housing services

* The intercom system unit 9 and outside the building is unusable. The intercom needs repair * Unit 9 tenants are still being denied a tandem parking stall
* The back interior stairs remain unstable and need repair as they are dangerous wobble when walking on them

May 1, 2019

“On the campaign trail:


by 2020 City Council Candidate G. Juan Johnson

Alert: California state legislature has plans to prohibit single family homes all across the state. Google “SB50” for more information.

Crime is Up

I attended the April 18, 2019 meeting of the Wilshire District Community Police Advisory Board. (Being a current candidate for city council, I am precluded from becoming a member of the board.)

Based on statistics provided by the Police, crime is up in seven out of nine areas of the district for the period ending April 13, 2019. I provide the stats below per police car number. Since each reporting released is only for one week, you may wish to reach an average for the month by multiplying by four. Example 49 crimes in area 7A73 would average/4 = 12 crimes per week.

Fire Chief Al Ruiz reported on the city’s ICS command center. Ruiz encouraged residents to volunteer for post disaster operations training. Some CPAB members present spoke about their experiences going thru the training. Numerous strategies were provided for disaster preparedness,  in the event of fires and earthquakes.

May 11 is Fire Station Day

It was mentioned that in the Melrose area crime is still high but has dropped slightly. A report was given on gang members from Oakland committing crimes in the Hollywood, Wilshire, and Beverly Hills areas. (Over 51 cars were broken into.)

So much for the myth that crime mostly occurs in low income improvised areas. Different types of crime occur in different areas; it is subjective as to which type of crime is the most dangerous: more petty thefts may occur in one neighborhood while more house break-ins will occur in another area. (Editor)

april 7-13 crime reports

Car 7A73 – 12 crimes –

Car 7A53 – 14 crimes +

Car 7A85 – 7 crimes +

Car 7A47 – 6 crimes –

Car 7A33 – 15 crimes +

Car 7869 – 12 crimes +

Car 7A1 – 25 crimes +

Car 7A21 – 15 crimes +

Car 7A17 – 10 crimes +

Compared to February 2019 stats-  these are one week periods only

Feb 3 – Feb 9

Car 7A73 – 49 crimes

Car 7A53 – 7 crimes

Car 7A85 – 3 crimes

Car 7A47 – 8 crimes

Car 7A33 – 13 crimes

Car 7869 – 7 crimes

Car 7A1 – 17 crimes

Car 7A21 – 14 crimes

Car 7A17 – 2 crimes

March 21, 2019 official minutes – distributed at each meeting- Redacted

Based on the official minutes: Angie Aramayo from Mayor Garcetti’s office presented a slide show on “A Bridge Home”, a city program for homeless people. (I have repeatedly reached out to the Bridge Home Program with inquiries about denial of fair housing services, but received no response). The meeting minutes claim that a “linkage fee” raises millions of dollars for affordable housing. (I still cannot get an answer to my concerns about denial of fair housing services). The minutes claim another quest noted that Black Americans in Los Angeles suffer the highest rate of homelessness with 150,000 to 200,000 currently experiencing homelessness.

To help combat crime in the Melrose area, it was suggested that residents look people in the eyes when passing by. I suggest you look what is in the person’s hands also because that is where a weapon may be or hand movements show intent.

For more information, please contact  Wilshire Community Relations Office at 

213 473-0200 or email

Remember: increased density may mean increased crime so be more safety conscious no matter where you live


Alert : California state legislature plans to gut single family homes all across the state.

Google “SB50” for more information

Fair Housing

California Government Code section 12927. As used in this part in connection with housing accommodations, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

(c) (1) “Discrimination” includes refusal to sell, rent, or lease housing accommodations; includes refusal to negotiate for the sale, rental, or lease of housing accommodations; includes representation that a housing accommodation is not available for inspection, sale, or rental when that housing accommodation is in fact so available; includes any other denial or withholding of housing accommodations; includes provision of inferior terms, conditions, privileges, facilities, or services in connection with those housing accommodations; includes harassment in connection with those housing accommodations; includes the cancellation or termination of a sale or rental agreement; includes the provision of segregated or separated housing accommodations; includes the refusal to permit, at the expense of the disabled person, reasonable modifications of existing premises occupied or to be occupied by the disabled person, if the modifications may be necessary to afford the disabled person full enjoyment of the premises, except that, in the case of a rental, the landlord may, where it is reasonable to do so condition permission for a modification on the renter’s agreeing to restore the interior of the premises to the condition that existed before the modification (other than for reasonable wear and tear), and includes refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services when these accommodations may be necessary to afford a disabled person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. (Emphasis added).

To Apr 30 to Eviction Defense Network- Facebook page

I support the city’s proposed anti-harassment ordinance against landlords. Instead of the proposed $10,000 fine, I have asked that the fine start at $50,000 and increase based on the owner’s net rents collected. I also feel that many problems are occurring because initially landlords like Power Property Management Company are not responding to tenant concerns; I therefore propose a $1,000 fine against landlords who do not respond in writing within ten days to tenant concerns. Also, no matter what Mayor Garcetti and others say out of one side of their mouth supposedly supporting more affordable housing, the game plan with SB 50 is that by Olympic time 2028 Los Angeles must be rid of the low and middle income, rid of single family home lots, and under the Mayor and others the city must be 99-100% high and luxury rentals with less than 1% for middle and low income housing. That is the master concerted plan. I support that those figures should be reversed. 

Wed Apr 24

With city resident for inspection by code enforcement re weatherstripping and windows needing sash and chains. Will also be inspected tomorrow for the installed water heater.10:30 am to 2:30 am.

Tuesday April 23  

We are seriously heading for a society where there will be no open space, no green grass, increased pollution, more traffic, more smog, more hi income density housing, less affordable housing, less parking. No housing for the low income, middle income, seniors, and mentally and physically challenged. This is the concerted master plan by design 97% housing for the very high income residents and 3% housing for the rest. Zoning is illegal redlining. Single family homes on lots will disappear. If you currently own a single family home, your home is part of the plan for extinction. If you want to protect your property by changing the zoning laws, you must act today.

February 24, 2019

“On the campaign trail:


by 2020 City Council Candidate G. Juan Johnson

I attended the February 21 meeting of the Mid-Wilshire Citizens Police Advisory Board.  It was suggested that homeowners keep their landline phone because in the case of an emergency it is quicker for police response than if a person only has a cell phone and there is a question about location. At the same time there is a new program started where emergency responders will be able to use a person’s GPS to track the cell phone location. (That of course will work if the caller has the GPS location turned on which some people may not because of the data usage.)

It was announced a citizens program where you can text 911 rather than call , but it was recommended to make the phone call as the preferred method. The texting method would not be used for non-emergencies. 

Even though Mayor Eric Garcetti has said crime is down in Los Angeles, it was noted that there has been a 15% increase in calls to the police call center over the past five years. It was said by Police that reports of theft and shoplifting have increased.

At each meeting, a written summary of police officers responses is provided for a one week period, in this case to February 9, 2019. For example, in basic patrol car area 7A33, there were 13 crimes including two grand theft auto and five burglary and theft from vehicles. In patrol car area 7A53 (including Hi Point St) there were seven crimes including four thefts, one grand theft auto, one robbery and one aggravated assault. Patrol car area 7A73 responded to 49 crimes including one robbery and forty-six burglaries. (yes, forty-six).

 Prosecutors ask LAPD to take another look at shooting of YouTuber outside synagogue

I note that the meetings are constructive because citizens can ask questions and seek clarification on crimes that have occurred. All meetings also give helpful tips on how to avoid being a victim of crime. The meetings are a reminder that no place is truly “safe” and that it pays to always be aware of one’s surroundings and try to anticipate conditions.

There was a presentation with questions and answers on the 911 Operators/Non-emergency call center. The center may have employment openings re PSR positions. The call center receives over 9,000 calls per day. (It was noted that at the height of the LA riots, the call center received 50,000 calls per day.)

The following websites were suggested for information purposes.

For more information, contact

MidCities Citizens Police Advisory Board


More LA Density, “Garcetti”

More Parks Sausages, “Mom”

More LA Density, “Garcetti”

More luxury housing is being built but are streets being widened? No.

Parking is a safety issue. Intercom maintenance is a safety issue.

Nominate G. Juan Johnson for council district 10 in October 2019.

October 16, 2018

I tried to tell a neighbor about crime in the area. This is the response I received from him,  as told to the Mayor and City Council, and Association of Apartment Owners of Los Angeles.

SUBJECT: Resident with Dogs Reveals Racial Hatred on Hi Point St Against Blacks who Complain about Racism and Code Violations

FROM : (Tenant 9 name and email redacted)


DATE: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 12:44 PM

To whom it may concern:

I have lived in Los Angeles since about 1999. I have lived on Hi Point St since 2010. I see tenants move in and out. Maybe 30% of the time I will recognize tenants in the immediate area or recognize when new tenants move it. This areas is slated for gentrification projects so there is a lot of new tenants in and out.

I like the study of nationalities and cultures. Sometimes knowing where a person is from will help as a guide to a person’s lifestyle and opinions. This information can be helpful as a marker, not as a stereotype: the well to do may have one attitude to laws while a person from a less affluent economic background may have a different attitude than the affluent.

About 7:45 am I exited the building on my way to work. I saw a neighbor with two dogs, one white, and they were shitting on the grass of the property I live at. The person was about aged 38, about six feet tall, and appeared to be of middle eastern descent, not white, not Black or Latino. I mentioned (this is not entitled to be a transcript) that crime was up in the area and that he should be careful. He kinda shrugged that off with a small but misleading smile, then said that I was “negative”. I perceived I was being constructive so I asked what he meant by “negative”. I have seen this guy recently but never talked to him. People will walk their dogs from blocks away from other areas so it is possible he does not live on the street. I imagined I had seen what appears to be a middle eastern family move in months ago in a big house at the corner of Hi Point and Airdrome. He answered my question and said he had seen my car driving up and down the street and he had seen me protesting walking around with signs ( I do have a protest sign that reads “Google Racism Hi Point Apts”) and seen information on the internet. I asked why did he perceive that was “negative”. He continued that many in the neighborhood perceive I am negative. I asked him what he means by “negative” being that I am exercising rights of freedom of speech under law and protesting housing discrimination and I told him he was “irrational”. He continued saying that I was negative, never explaining the why of how reading public government documents and newspaper articles on the internet constitutes me personally being negative. I told him he was engaged in unlawful retaliation because I have exercised my rights to complain about housing discrimination and code violations. Both of us were raising our voice at that point. I asked him what is “negative” about protesting racism but he did not respond. I told him I had to leave for work but he kept lambasting me in hate crime style; I told him I would see him again. I told him, “Walk away, please walk away.” He said he would not walk away and that he did not want me to talk to him. I asked him why and he accused me of harassing him and that he would call the Police. I told him to go ahead and call the police. I told him I am simply exercising the same rights he has as an American to complain. I was wishing he would call the police so he could explain where he lives and why he is objecting to a Black man like me driving down the street I live on.

This person today is proof of the racism and retaliation that exists in this neighborhood. Such conduct is not acceptable. I am sure I will see him again because I guess his dogs like shitting on my property.

All rights reserved.

(tenant 9 name and phone redacted)

Commentary as seen on Facebook:

Maybe this person is from a country where they don’t approve of freedom of speech; maybe he is from a country where racial and religious retaliation is allowed. Since he claims to have seen the internet websites, I imagine he feels it is ok to deny Blacks and Latinos housing services due to their race, that he feels it is ok to violate tenant rights under rent control, I guess he believes it is ok to deny Blacks housing services but continue to take their rent money. Racism is illegal as a hate crime, and illegal as to housing and employment. This person today proves there is a lot of work to be done in Los Angeles. Also, I have received numerous complaints that the City various agencies refuse to release routine information to citizens and hide behind the CPRA and still refuse to release information. I fight that the CPRA act and related agencies will be gutted and revamped so that all requested public records act requests are filled without racism being a factor.

October 13, 2018

[Based on the September 20 2018 meeting of the Wilshire Community Police Advisory Board]

More gentrification density means more crime: here come the white people’s projects

(This is an opinion piece.)

All citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in CPAB meetings to hear safety initiatives, crime updates, and meet your neighbors.

AT CPAB meetings, officers pass out copies of crime statistics for the previous one week period.  Reports show a rape occurred at Pico and Saturn at 2:00 am on September 14, 2018.It was announced at the meeting that certain types of crimes like burglaries are up 30% in the Wilshire Division area which includes the Pico-Fairfax area. Residents were advised to make sure all building and car doors are secure.

The Wilshire Division and West Traffic Division will have an Open House free on Sunday October 21, 2018 at 12 noon – 4 pm with food and live entertainment. At 4861 West Venice Blvd (East of La Brea).

Due to an increase of certain types of crime in the area, it was announced that the area will receive ten more police officers after January 2019.

“…burglaries are up 30%…”

As everyone knows, an increase in density can affect an increase in crime. More high density gentrification means more crime.

In other news, in one part of the yet to be voted on “Proposition 10 “Affordable Housing Act”, it states, “In accordance with California law, a landlord’s right to a fair rate of return on a property shall not be abridged by a city, county, or city and county.” What the hell does that mean? Will all retail store owners be entitled to that same privilege? Will the city be entitled to review the accounting books of landlords?


Support G. Juan Johnson for election to council district 10 in the year 2020.

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